Your Won Life

Fun way to get life-changing content!

Man, this podcast is awesome. All those books and shows people keep telling me I need to watch or listen to, are broken down into the most important takeaways I can soak up, just in one trip in the car.

And Kimyung has such a funny, quirky delivery style. Such a dry delivery of his jokes. It makes me ask, “Wait, is he telling us to do dope? Or is he joking?” and I think that makes it even funnier. His live off-the-cuff freestyle rapping could rhyme a little bit better I think, but it turns on different parts of my brain, and his singing, the adapted lyrics to tunes that we know, is also a fun way to ingest the content in summaries that he gives.

March 23, 2024 by RossBoone on Apple Podcasts

Your Won Life

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